24 Hour Care v.s. Live in Care
24 hour private care and 24 hour Live in Care are the two very best 24/7 in-home care solutions enabling elderly people to live comfortably, joyfully and safely in their own home. When Elders need care 24/7 around the clock care, rather than being placed into a nursing home… consider in home care for your loved one. However, 24 hour care and live-in care are two very different services in the way they are staffed, what they cost and who they are best suited to.
You can explore the two options and discover their similarities and differences. After 24 years of providing both 24 hours care and live in care, you can trust that Daughterly Care’s High Care Case Managers and Registered Nurses have the experience to recommend the most suitable solution for your loved one. We listen to you and work with families to recommend the best private and government funded in home elder care solutions to meet you or your loved one’s care needs and lifestyle.
Warning: Just be aware that if an Approved Provider or private care provider does not provide Live in Care, and most say on their websites that they do, but in reality, they don’t have:
✓ over 100 Live in Carers like Daughterly Care does;
✓ 24 years’ experience providing both 24 hour care and live in care like we do; and
✓ the High Care Case Manager and Registered Nurse 24/7 support structure in place like we do; then…
…of course, they will tell you their 24 hour care is the best solution, because it is the only 24 hour in home care support they provide. At Daughterly Care, we have provided ALL in home care solutions for 24 years: a few hours of quality in home care, long shifts of quality in home care, active overnight care, inactive overnight care, Live in Care and 24 Hour Care, so we have the experience to recommend what is most suitable for your family.
At Daughterly Care we recommend the best private or government funded Elder care solutions for each individual client as there is no one-size fits all. Let’s look at the options for around-the-clock 24 hour care, which is a far better alternative to moving into a nursing home:

Private in home elder care 24 hours a day

In home aged care – live in private care
Our High Care Case Managers have decades of nursing care experience to determine your private Live-in or 24 hour care needs so they have the knowledge to advise the most suitable type of care.
Daughterly Care’s private 24 hour, around-the-clock or overnight Live in Care allows you or your elderly loved one to never have a reason go to a nursing home.
1. Live in Home Care is the best in home care for elders
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or call us on (02) 9970 7333.