14 Reasons To Choose Daughterly Care In Home Care Services
Who you choose to partner with to re-enable, enable, support and care for you (or your spouse, elderly parents, relative or client) is a really important decision. By making the right choice, your Loved One’s final years will be more comfortable, safe and enjoyable in their home.
In our experience, when you choose the right in home care organisation to support your Elder, you have less hospitalisations and later nursing home placement or, you avoid the nursing home altogether. Choose Daughterly Care, the best quality in home aged care provider in Sydney, NSW, Australia.

When we asked a high profile, ultra successful businessman,
why he chose Daughterly Care to support and care for his wife he said:
“I chose Daughterly Care because:
- You have mature staff who my wife can relate to;
- You have Registered Nurses, so if my wife needs nursing support I know you will be here for her; and
- We can leave this place (meaning their Sydney harbour-front home) in a box because you have Live in Care when we need 24 hour support.“
The 14 most important reasons seniors choose Daughterly Care in home care services are…
1. We are a trusted in home care provider.
Over 7,100 families have trusted Daughterly Care to support their loved ones.
of all our new clients are recommended to Daughterly Care by health professionals, friends and family
of our clients “strongly agree” or “agree” Daughterly Care has quality Caregivers 1
of our clients would recommend us as “a company who would care exceptionally well for you or your loved one” 1
1Source: 2020 Client Survey
Why is Daughterly Care so highly trusted and recommended?
It’s because we really care about our clients. It’s our comprehensive range of care services and our flexibility. This means our services can be dialled up, or down, to suit your changing care needs. It’s our exceptional Caregivers and the fact that we have spent 24 years specialising in supporting private paying clients with high care needs and high expectations, who need dementia care or 24 hour live in care that we are recommended so often.
Margaret is one of our best Live in Carers,
View Margaret’s profile
Wendy is an outstanding Live in Carer,
View Wendy’s profile
Fairy is one of our best Caregivers,
View Fairy’s profile
2. We are a proven provider of private in-home care
When you choose Daughterly Care, you are choosing an in home aged care service provider with a proven 24 year track record of delivering exceptional quality in-home care services… via experienced and exceptional Nurses, Assistants in Nursing (Caregivers) and Live in Carers, who we carefully match to our clients’ care needs and personality.
We don’t expect you to believe us…read what our clients say about us in our recent unsolicited feedback and in our 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 and 2015 client survey results.
3. We have exceptional in home care private nurses and Caregivers
Only 1 out of 100 people who apply to work with Daughterly Care are suitable for an interview, even though they have a Certificate III in Community Care or Aged Care. Why is that? Because only 1 out of 100 meet our high standards. Daughterly Care is a premium, private care service providing superior in home care and our quality care starts by employing the very best Nurses, Caregivers and Live in Carers.
Our Nurses, our quality Caregivers and Live in Carers are specifically chosen for their unique and untrainable qualities, such as their:
- life experience
- kind hearts
- maturity
- extensive experience
- uncommon common sense
- their special caring ways
- excellent command of English and ability to relate to you;
- expert memory support and dementia care experience; and
- high care experience (level 3 & 4 ACAT assessed seniors).
The photos of Nurses and Carers on our website are our actual Carers, not ‘marketing stock photos’. Often there is a link under their photo to their profile so you can see their experience and training. You can see they are well grounded beautiful souls who really enjoy helping older people by providing exceptional care.

Bettina is one of our exceptional Caregivers,
View Bettina’s profile

Jenny is a Registered Nurse with a Bachelor of Nursing and Masters of Social Work. View Jenny’s profile.

Hanna is one of our exceptional Caregivers.
View Hanna’s profile
Click through here to meet 19 of our attentive and naturally warm Caregivers and Live in Carers and read their profiles.
4. Our care of Elders is attentive and consistent
On average, each year the aged care industry loses around 25% of its Carers – that’s a lot of knowledge about their clients that leaves with them. This is especially hard on people living with mild cognitive decline, forgetfulness, confusion or a form of dementia. It’s also frustrating for private care clients who like tasks done in a specific, consistent way by regular known Caregiver or Live in Carer they know and trust.
Daughterly Care stands out from our peers by retaining over 91% pa of our Nurses, Live in Carers and Caregivers and that means more consistent, better quality care and support for our clients.
5. We specialise in High Care Case Management
To live safely, comfortably and joyfully at home as you age takes a team effort:
- your loved one directing their care, often with assistance from family;
- friends and neighbours
- our Registered Nurses
- our High Care Case Managers / Care Managers
- our Caregivers and Live in Carers
- your health professionals
- your known GP and specialist doctors
- we all work together as a team.
For Elders with High Care needs (level 3 and 4 ACAT Assessments) our Caregivers, Live in Carers, Nurses, Care Managers and High Care Case Managers bring vast experience to your care team – we call it your Circle of Care or “Team Carmen” as one daughter called us. We know how to assess a client’s needs and design a support plan with you to meet our high care client’s goals.
Having met your Loved One, we match the most appropriate Caregivers or Live in Carers. Our Registered Nurses, High Care Case Managers and Care Managers provide valuable guidance, advice, insight and training to our in-home Caregivers in addition to supporting our clients and their families. Review our experience.
Frankly, it’s great team work and timely communication that keeps our clients out of nursing homes. Over the last 24 years, more than 82% of all the care Daughterly Care has delivered has been for Elders with high care needs. High care clients are seniors who have a Level 3 or 4 ACAT Assessment [3]. (By comparison KPMG research found that 38% of Home Care Packages were just providing domestic assistance (i.e. cleaning) [4].
Do you need carers who spend 38% of their time cleaning or Caregivers who spend 82% of their time providing High Care? Cleaners will not keep you out of the nursing home but we can!

Our High Care Case Managers
of our care over the last 24 years has been for Elders with High Care needs (ACAT Level 3 or 4)
6. We offer flexible aged care solutions
The ageing journey is not linear, down a hill. You can decline and you can improve. You can have a health crisis and you can recover.
Care needs change as your Loved One’s health and goals change. In choosing Daughterly Care you are teaming up with a private in-home care provider who supports you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – 24/7, 365 days a year.
- We can be there for you from as little as 2 hours… or as many hours as you need, up to 24 hours (24hrs) a day;
- We can be there day, night, or 7 days and nights with our daily rate Live in home Care service, or around the clock with our 24 hour care.
Our complete range of in home care services means we have the ability to provide the most appropriate professional care you need. We are agile, our services can change almost as quickly as your needs change.
- Short term, casual or ongoing – we are there for you.
- Day or night – we are there for you.
- Hourly, Overnight, Live in Care, 24 hour care – we are there for you.
- Exceptional Caregivers and Live in Carers – we are there for you.
- Registered Nurses and High Care Case Managers – we are there for you.
- Visiting you to provide extra care in the hospital or a nursing home – we are there for you.
- Palliative or End of Life Care – we are there for you.
Our private care clients remain at home for life with our comprehensive and flexible support and we tell them how to access Government Funding to reduce their care costs. Explore our services in more detail and read our unsolicited client feedback.
7. We have a passion for caring for frail Elders
We are not everything to everyone, everywhere. We are not the ‘best fit’ for all.
Daughterly Care is a boutique in-home care provider of high quality and comprehensive in home care, specialising in services for the elderly living on the Northern Beaches, North Shore and Eastern Suburbs of Sydney (and all NSW for Live in Care).
We don’t provide Nanny and child-minding services.
Our Caregivers don’t provide ‘cleaning only services’ paid by the government through your Home Care Package, instead we use professional cleaners to do that.
We don’t chase services for younger disabled people. However occasionally people who are self-managing their children’s NDIS budget do contact us for a more mature Carer and we will help when we believe we can provide care well.
Many of our elderly clients do not have a form of dementia, even though that is our specialty. We are 100% for older people because that’s our great passion.
Many of our elderly clients are frail and need assistance recuperating from an illness or have found life challenging for a variety of reasons and therefore require our help. Our in-home care clients enjoy and look forward to the interesting and warm company of our Caregivers, Live in Carers and Private Nurses.
We care for our clients and enable Elders beautifully.
8. Daughterly Care are specialists in providing in home aged care to private paying clients
We are a private Australian family business and have specialised in providing premium, privately paid in home care for elderly Australians for over 24 years.
We are NOT an American Franchise sending payments to the USA and employing Australians on an Enterprise Bargaining Agreement that pays less than our Award.
We do NOT employ backpackers.
We do NOT import labour under 456 Visas.

Private paying clients expect great service and high calibre, professionally trained Caregivers and Live in Carers.
Private paying and Government Funded Elders choose Daughterly Care because they want:
- their service on time
- for the whole time booked; and
- they want quality, thoughtful and emotionally intelligent Caregivers and Live in Carers.
This is of course, a very high standard of in-home care and the type of Elder care we have provided, day in, day out, for 24 years.
When you are living through something as intense as providing the end of life care for your spouse or parent, you need care that is on time, reliable and knowledgeable.
“It’s really very simple, if you want the best in-home care…choose Daughterly Care.”
And don’t think for one moment that just because you can afford private care that you will miss out on your Government Subsidised Home Care Package. Daughterly Care Community Services is an Approved Provider of Government Funded Home Care Packages and a Registered Charity and we can assist you to apply for your funding.
9. We are specialists in caring for Elders living with mild cognitive decline, memory loss, confusion, forgetfulness and all forms of dementia.
Today ‘dementia’ and ‘Alzheimer’s’ are real buzz words. However it was a very different story 24 years ago when we started Daughterly Care. Not one provider in Sydney stated they specialised in dementia care – except Daughterly Care. We started with that specialised level of care and we have built on it over the last 24 years.
Our specialisation makes such a huge difference to the service we provide. It filters who we employ, influences the training we provide and our dementia focus means we automatically apply for the extra Government funding when we administer your Home Care Package.
If you are being told that your Elder has ‘challenging behaviours’ or is ‘difficult’ or has what we prefer to call ‘changed behaviours’ or ‘re-active responses to unmet needs’. If you are being told your parent HAS to go to a Nursing Home then call us. Why? Because our training and experience means we have a ‘can-do’ attitude plus extensive experience, so what is often difficult for other Caregivers, Private Nurses and Live in Carers, is often possible for us.
Read how we support people diagnosed with dementia. Daughterly Care was the first in home care organisation to commit to training all our Caregivers and Live in Carers in Montessori Aged Care.
10. Daughterly Care is a specialist provider of 24 hour Live in Care
24hr Live in Care is the gold standard of aged care for Elders with high care needs. It is a far, far superior alternative to a nursing home. In fact, you cannot legitimately compare the 2 alternatives:
Packing your life up is stressful. When you are at the tipping point of needing 24/7 around the clock care – why should you leave the familiar surroundings of your home you love; your pets, garden, neighbours and most importantly – your routine, your way of living.. your life? Why should you lose control over your life?
In home care let’s you stay in control of your life. When in institutional care, you live by their rules. With 24 hour Live in Care, you stay the boss!
Did you know that research has found that 85% of people living in nursing homes are depressed?
Did you know 97% of people would prefer to stay in their home than move into a nursing home? [5]
Just know there is no care provided in a nursing home that we can’t provide, one-on-one in your loved one’s own home, to a far superior standard.
11. For over 24 years we have specialised in providing Consumer Directed Care
Since the 1st of July 2015, all Government Subsidised In Home Care Packages were supposed to have been provided on a Consumer Directed Care basis – which meant Elders and their families supposedly could choose:
- who cared for your loved one e.g. Daughterly Care;
- the type of care they received;
- when the care is delivered;
- It didn’t work very well at all and was only ever a stepping stone to giving Elders real and total control over their Government Funded Home Care Package which happened on the 27th February 2017.
I can tell you, after auditing THOUSANDS of Home Care Package Monthly Statements that often the reality is Elders and their families have not been offered real choice. They have had to beg to have the care provided by who they wanted and often been charged unfair extra fees designed to limit their choice. We discovered more than 10 unethical Approved Providers embedding secret, undisclosed fees into the so called “Daughterly Care fee”. Our private care clients with other Approved Providers were not offered ALL types of care, especially 24hr Live in Care which is perfect for people who need around the clock care.
In the past, Elders did not have these rights but now, Elders can exercise these rights by being assertive. These rights cannot be fully effective unless Elders are assertive to maximise their care with their chosen Approved Provider.
The great news for Elders is that from the 27th February 2017, Elders and their adult children and advocates finally gained the power they need to continue living their way when Government Funded Home Care Packages became fully portable… meaning you can transfer your Government Funded Home Care Package to a new breed of Approved Provider, who best suits you, such as Daughterly Care Community Services.
So if your Current Approved Provider :
- Doesn’t provide quality experienced Caregivers and Live in Carers;
- Doesn’t answer the phone, doesn’t call you back and doesn’t listen to you;
- Provides care workers who are difficult to understand and can’t understand you;
- Provides care workers who frequently don’t turn up for your service on time, or at all, and your Approved Provider didn’t inform you they weren’t coming;
- Changes times frequently, often without telling you;
- Changes care workers frequently, often without telling you;
- Provides aged care workers who don’t stay the full time booked and they don’t do all that it was agreed they would do;
- Provides support workers who are not properly trained to meet your in-home care needs;
- Has been taking a significant proportion of your Home Care Package in fees leaving you with too few hours of care; and charging you ‘case management fees’ but doesn’t case manage your care or didn’t get you re-assessed by ACAT when your care needs increased; and
- Provides too few hours of support for your funding…
…then you can review the market place and choose a quality, proven Approved Provider who has a reputation for servicing private paying clients well, like Daughterly Care Community Services.
Now is the time to exercise your 9 new rights and transfer your Government Subsidised Home Care Package to a superior, high quality In-Home Care Approved Provider, especially if you have high care needs (ACAT level 3 or 4), like Daughterly Care Community Services.
For over 24 years, 100% of Daughterly Care’s in home care services have been provided on a Consumer Directed Care basis. That’s over 24 years of meeting the high expectations of private paying in-home care and nursing clients.
We would be honoured to meet your expectations too.
12. We care like daughters
Our mindset is to care for our clients like a loving daughter would care for her parent. This mindset really sets us apart. It means we try harder and care more.
It started 24 years ago with the founders of the business – two daughters who loved their parents and who had a clear sense of purpose to provide superior quality, aged care in seniors’ own homes so they could avoid the Nursing Home.
In the words of one client’s son in Mosman (prior to Consumer Directed Care):
“We have a lot of companies in here providing care for Mum on behalf of the Government Funded Service Provider but Daughterly Care staff stand out by a country mile – you really care”.
Since the 27th February 2017, adult children, like that Mosman son, now have the right to instruct (you no longer have to “ask”, “plead”, “beg” and “threaten”) it’s your power now so just:
1. Tell your Current Approved Provider that you want Daughterly Care Caregivers or Live in Carers to provide your care;
2. Or go a step further and transfer your Government Funded Home Care Package to Daughterly Care Community Services. Our total Home Care Package Management fees are competitively low.
13. Our experienced Caregivers have been trained to reduce falls by 31%
In Australia, about one third of people over 65 years of age experience at least one fall a year and an Elder is more likely to have a fall if they’ve had one previously.
Falls are the biggest cause of hospitalisation for the elderly and they can vastly reduce the quality of life and confidence to walk.
Reducing falls leads to improved Elder safety and improved quality of life and that’s why most Daughterly Care Caregivers and Private Nurses are trained to perform the LiFE Exercise Program during our regular services whilst performing our care activities.
Evidence based research shows the LiFE Exercise Program reduces the falls rate by 31% for older people – now that’s a good reason to choose Daughterly Care.[6]
More and more, our clients have been asking to send a Caregiver who has completed the LiFE Program.
84% of current Daughterly Care Carers have completed LiFE training, in order to strengthen our clients and prevent falls.
14. We guarantee our service
We have great confidence in our processes and people and we take a lot of care to match our clients with appropriate Caregivers. If you are not delighted with the Caregiver we choose, we will provide a replacement and refund the cost of the service in full.
06/11/2015 Appreciative email from the Daughter of Mrs C who lives in St. Ives
“Daughterly Care provides excellent consistency of in home care. My Mother who has some anxiety due to short term memory difficulties would not have coped well with many different carers. We have had an exceptional experience with Daughterly Care – the fact that Mum only has a small number of carers has improved her health already”.
30/1/2015 Card of Appreciation from the daughter of Mrs J of Mosman
Dear Claudia
Thank you so much for being the most wonderful caring companion for Mum. You made Mum’s life so much brighter and with the [Daughterly Care and family] team, you helped keep Mum out of a nursing home for many years.
Your tact helped her keep her independence and love of life much longer than would have been possible without you.
Need more information? To know more about us, read why we started Daughterly Care and take a look at our services. Meet our exceptional in home Carers and highly experienced case managers and operations team.
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, FREE no obligation consultation email claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or call us on (02) 9970 7333.
Sources:[1] 2018 survey of all clients[2] 2018 in home care Daughterly Care client survey[3] [4] Evaluation of the consumer – directed care initiative – final report[5] [6] The LiFE Exercise Program was created at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney and the evidence based research shows it reduces falls in Elders by 31%. With your permission we introduce the LiFE Program during our care activities during our regular service times. As at 30 June 2018, 74% of our Caregivers and Live in Carers had completed LiFE training.