Travel worry free – there is no need to place your elderly loved one in a nursing home
We provide wonderful in home respite care services so you can travel worry free.
“We are not seeing complaints about in home respite care or cottage respite.”
After the death of Beryl Watson (NSW Coroners file 2012 / 140588) which occurred during respite care in a nursing home, the NSW Coroner found among many recommendations the following is needed:
- Nursing homes need processes to manage the ‘changes in environment and multiple care workers for a client that accompany a nursing home respite admission’
- Instruction from the primary carer is invaluable to understanding the issues and concerns of the elderly client
- The short term tenure of nursing home respite care recipients does not change the obligation to seek a medical review

- Most complaints made to the Aged Care Complaints Scheme are about nursing home respite care, whereas they have very few complaints about in home respite care services or cottage respite care.
- Elderly people with cognitive issues, such as dementia don’t cope well with constant change of carers, environment and routine. Going to a nursing home is a massive upheaval for them. Don’t under-estimate the fear that they will feel that they have been permanently placed into a nursing home. Their fear and anxiety will be compounded by your absence. This can commonly mean they ‘act up’ to express their fear and are then medicated with psychotropic drugs to subdue their so called ‘challenging behaviours’, which is just a perfectly normal reaction to being placed into a nursing home.
- After a respite stay in a nursing home your loved one will often return home with an increased level of confusion, aggression, agitation and anxiety. Some people have told us that “dealing with the aftermath of nursing home respite is just not worth the break.”
It’s impossible to book ahead for nursing home respite whereas you can pre-book Daughterly Care in home respite care services.
By far the superior solution is in home respite care
“I just wanted to thank you all – I think you must be angels in disguise!!!
I needed this break – didn’t realise how much and thoroughly, even a short break gives me time that’s responsibility free.
I had no idea people and agencies like yours existed. I just wanted to tell you in the morass of trying to find your way through the foreign country of aged care, you have been a real life line – such willingness to help us sort our way through and get help. Love your sense of humour and flexibility. Heartfelt appreciation. Take care.“
– Felicity from Mosman
What are the advantages of in home respite care:
• Your loved one is able to remain in familiar surroundings = feeling safe.
• Your loved one can retain a familiar routine = feeling secure and familiar.
• Your loved one can enjoy meals they enjoy at their preferred time = feeling secure.
• Family members can pop-in to visit or have a meal = feeling connected.
• Your loved one will enjoy personalised in home care by an experienced, highly trained carer with special caring ways = feeling confident.
Need financial assistance to enjoy the benefits of in home respite care?
If you are caring for a spouse or parent with dementia, Parkinson’s disease, MS, motor neurone disease or another chronic condition it is essential your loved one is in receipt of a Government Funded Home Care Package Consumer Directed Aged Care so they can afford dementia support services and you can have regular breaks from your caring role and assistance with their support and care.
You can request your same Daughterly Care carers to supply the care through your Government funded Home Care Package…learn more here.

Contact us today:
We’d love to come out to your home to have a confidential chat with you about your respite care needs. Email or ring us on (02) 9970 7333
Read unsolicited feedback from our private care clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email or call us on (02) 9970 7333.
We care for various conditions, but not limited to...
Frailty and decreased mobility
If you have any questions about a particular condition please feel free to ring the office on 02 9970 7333