Imagine if you had an extra $892.31 every 31 days to spend on your care?
$892.31 worth of extra care and support every 31 days is not to be sneezed at. How could your life be easier or more joyful with that extra money to spend on your care?
When I say my Level 4 client will save $892.31 every 31 days, what I technically mean is this:
The client’s Current Approved Provider is deducting $892.31 MORE every 31 days from the Home Care Package than Daughterly Care Community Services would. That’s because existing Daughterly Care clients enjoy a special very low rate of just 10% pa total Home Care Package Fee when they indicate their desire to move from their Current Approved Provider to Daughterly Care Community Services by 30 June 2017.

You don’t have to move by 30 June 2017 – you have until 31 July 2017 to move. You just have to tell us by the 30th of June 2017 that you WILL be moving by 31 July 2017.
Level 4 Home Care Package Fees Case Study
In this case study the client will still pay the same Income-Tested Care Fee and Basic Care Fee because those fees are set by the Government – but $892.31 LESS will be deducted from their Home Care Package every 31 days. That means they can spend that $892.31 on more care and support, or they keep that money in their Home Care Package for when they do need more care and support. For example when they are not well, for their palliative care at home or how about something more joyful like going to watch their twin grandsons play hockey or have their Daughterly Care Caregiver take them to their granddaughter’s wedding.
Below is an image of our client’s actual de-identified March 2017 Level 4 Home Care Package Monthly statement with my handwritten calculations on it.
1. The good news is that Approved Provider X [name withheld] is NOT charging any secret fees, nor are they incorrectly charging the GST – phew – they are one of the few Approved Providers that I can say this about.
2. Approved Provider X is charging 25% for Administration [$1,115.38 for March 2017] and 5% for Case Management [$223.08]. So their total fees for the 31 days of March is $1,338.46.
3. Approved Provider X’s fee of $1,338.46 represents 30% of the Home Care Package Income of $4,461.52 for the month.
4. Daughterly Care Community Services’s Level 4 Home Care Package fee for that same month would have been 10% of the Home Care Package Income i.e. 10% X $4,461.52 = $446.15 versus Approved Provider X’s fee of $1,338.46 pa.
So every 31 days our client will save $892.31 in fees by transferring to Daughterly Care which can be spent on more care and support, as needed.
5. Not only will transferring save our client $892.31 every 31 days, they will have the convenience of only having to deal with one company for changes to their services – Daughterly Care. That also improves their privacy as we eliminate unnecessary duplication at 2 companies.
Daughterly Care $446.15
Approved Provider X $1,338.46
6. Further, if the client has to pay additional money for their care in years to come, I can see that Approved Provider X charges their 30%pa fee on Voluntary Contributions / Top Up Contributions / Private Care Contributions too, whereas Daughterly Care does not.

We charge new clients to Daughterly Care 20% pa as you can see on our Home Care Package Fees page of our website, which is less than the most common fee of 30% pa to 35% pa.
However our existing clients will only pay 10% pa regardless of whether they have a Level 1 or Level 4 Home Care Package, if they tell us they are transferring their Home Care Package by 30 June 2017 and do so by 31 July 2017.
If you would like to move to Daughterly Care here are the instructions for moving your Home Care Package to Daughterly Care.
Our Operations Manager, Nicole Hickey is the lady to help make this happen. So let Nicole know by completing this form.
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I take care of my mother (90 in Nov), with the help of ‘CATHOLIC CARE’ as the provider.. the gove, allows $32,000.00 a yr for mum..she is on a level 3. looking at the fees I almost fell over.. 630/mth for admin.. 96 for Rosters.. 1169.00 caseworker..??? I do everything 2 hrs of cleaning a week @49.00 hr.. and the lawns mowed..which in not needed in the winter.. They say they are a ‘not for profit’ group.. but so what.. the fees they charge are really on the point of robbery..and pushes the bottoms of criminal behaviour…. but they are not the only ones charging those high fees.. some other providers charge even more.. but they are making a business out of the funds allocated to my mother… this really needs to be looked into by the government.