The benefits of Live in Care
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Live in Care is the absolute gold star, best In Home Aged Care for Elders and means you never have to go to a nursing home. Our Live in Home Care and private 24 hour Registered Nurses and highly trained Caregivers have the experience and expertise to provide the best In Home Care Services for you or your loved one.

Daughterly Care has provided over 3.9+ million hours of Live in Care over the last 24 years, which means we are the experts in Live in Care:
- Families have made Daughterly Care their first choice to care for their loved one
- We have delivered consistent and reliable high-quality in home care by experienced private 24 hour Registered Nurses and Live-In Carers
- Due to this consistency of In Home Care, the majority of our new private Live In Care clients are referred by happy clients and health professionals
What is Live-in Home Care?
- Live in Care is the best in home care service available, where an experienced Live In Carer or private 24 hour Registered Nurse stays over, in the client’s home, for 24 hours, for between 2 to 5 days per week and then hands over to a second personal Live In Carer, who stays over 24 hours a day, for the remainder of the week. As long as our client is happy with our 24 hour Live in Carers; they roll forward on a rota and provide a consistent continuum of high quality 24 hour care and support.
It allows someone with high levels of need to remain in their own home and community and lead a good quality life in familiar surroundings. I expect Live-In Care to continue to grow in popularity and to become the high quality first care choice of many people.”
Dr. Glen Mason, Director of People, Communities and Local Government, Department of Health, UK
- Live in Home Care enables Elders to stay in their familiar beloved home with the highest standard of personalised support and in home care tailored to each unique client.

Your home is as unique as you, that’s what makes it the most comfortable,
secure, familiar place to live, for all your days.
- Live in Home Care clients are supported by qualified 24 hour Private Nurses who have 20 – 30 years of clinical experience and highly trained Live-In Carers who have been especially chosen for this type of work.
- We develop a personalised care plan in consultation with the Elder, their family, and health professionals where necessary. This In Home Care plan is the basis for our Joyful Living Approach™ that aims to support, nurture, enable and provide not just person-centred care, but person directed In Home Care to each individual client.
- Our Live in Carers document all the details about your living preferences. Clients do not have to adhere to a rigid regime; they remain in control of how they live. Our team of private 24hr Registered Nurses provide clinical support and services to clients as needed to ensure they remain well and living life joyfully at home, for life.
- Every Live in Carer is as unique as our clients. They have been chosen for their desire to care for the Elders in our community and are enthusiastic to meet your needs. Our unique Live in Care ensures they don’t burn out as they sleep when the private care client sleeps and are not over-extended from rushing and trying to look after too many Elders, like in nursing homes. They provide the type of support our clients need, how and when they want it.
- Only the most exceptional In Home Live in Carers with decades of aged care experience are invited to join the Daughterly Care Live in Care team. Their aged care skill set is of the highest standard and they have years of experience.
- Live in Care produces the most consistent and stable caring environment. Typically, two Live in Carers rotate the In Home Care duties over a week and thus develop a close care relationship with our client. This enables them to provide a very high level of personalised one-on-one home nursing care in the client’s own home. For example, the first Live in Carer may work 4 days and the second Live in Carer works 3 days. They sleep overnight and return to their own homes at the end of their 3 or 4 days, happily returning to the clients the following week. When either goes on holidays, is sick or attends training they cover for each other’s shifts or a third Live in Carer covers their absence.
Having such a small and tight team means they know you and your family well and if communication is difficult they know your routine, preferences and can read your body language.

“Any care provided in a nursing home, we can provide one-on-one for your loved one, in their own home, with our unique Live In Care service.
With the support of our Private In Home Care Nurses and Live in Carers, there never has to come a time when you have to go to a nursing home.
For over 24 years we have cared for frail and Elderly clients in their own homes. We have never failed a Live in Care client and we won’t fail you.“
Have you been told your loved one “has to go to a nursing home” but they want to stay at home?
Nobody should have to live in a place where they are unhappy, when there is an easy solution.
There never has to come a time when you have to go to a nursing home.
- Live in Care is the perfect alternative to moving into a single room in a nursing home. Moving is one of the top 3 most stressful events a person can experience. Often older people are already grieving from multiple losses; death of a lifelong spouse / partner, friends passing away, reduced physical and / or cognitive ability, or other upsetting events.
Why add additional stress and compound your Elder’s feelings of loss by moving him / her to a nursing home, when we bring quality care to their home?
- Live in Care enables your loved one to receive personalised and tailored aged care in familiar surroundings so they can continue to live their lifestyle, their way. Routines don’t have to change and they can continue with the medical support from the doctors they know and trust. They can enjoy their comfortable, familiar home for life; surrounded by their family, friends and neighbours, the views they enjoy, the garden they created, the art they love and their pet who is their constant companion.
- Daughterly Care’s Live in Carers are passionate about re-enabling health and enabling older people to remain at home. They are enthusiastic to meet your needs; not burnt out from rushing trying to look after too many Elders and well rested as they sleep when the client sleeps. Only the most exceptional and the best Live-In Carers with decades of aged care experience are invited to join the Daughterly Care Live in Care or 24 hour care team. Their aged care skillset exceeds the Elder care skills of typical community carers who visit clients for a couple of hours.

Over the last 24 years, more than 82% of all the aged care we have provided was for clients with High Care needs (assessed as level 3 or 4 by the Aged Care Assessment Team). Our Live in Carers and 24hr Private Nurses provide heartfelt, attentive care like a loving daughter.
- We are right there, when you need us. With Live in Care, your loved one’s Live in Carer or 24hr Nurse sleeps overnight so we are “on-hand” in case help is needed during the night, such as assistance to go to the toilet safely. (Did you know most falls happen at night?). Sometimes Elders become disorientated during the night and need to be re-assured and re-directed back to bed.
Live in Care is 24 hours, around the clock, ‘on-hand’ presence, personalised private nursing care… when you need it.
- Live in Home Care is an affordable and far superior solution than moving to a nursing home. There is no upheaval or stress of packing up one’s life. Our Bespoke Care Plan is tailored to your loved one’s specific care needs and lifestyle and fully customisable and flexible as their needs change. It is developed after speaking to your Loved One, the family (plus health care professionals where necessary).
Clients remain in control of their own life. Most of our Live in Care clients choose to have their Palliative and End of Life care provided by Daughterly Care at home and the Community Palliative Care Team. ‘When you have received relationship-based care from your long-known Live in Carers, they are the ones best able to offer the most attentive re-assuring comfort. They know you and they can read your body language well, plus you feel comfortable asking them for anything.’
Your loved one can stay at home for life. Once clients experience Live in 24 Hour Care they understand that there is no reason to leave their home.
That means:
- Your loved one can get up when they want to get up (not when other residents wake them up with staff talking loudly and rushing to get the ‘shower run’ finished) and enjoy a breakfast of their choice.
- There is no need to rush – it’s just your loved one and their Live in Carer or 24 hour Private Nurse, giving ‘one-on-one care’ – they can take their time.
- We provide 8 hours of active direct care anytime over the 24 hours. Did you know that research shows on average people in Nursing Homes receive just 2.8 hours of direct care per 24 hours (Source: Bentley Chartered Accountants Annual Survey of Australian Aged Care Homes, 2015). By contrast, our Live in Care service provides 8 hours of active direct care anytime during the 24 hours we are present, so it is a very flexible, high quality and the best person-centred aged care service.
Explore our unique Live in Home Care service…
1) The benefits of Live in Home Care Current page
2) How does Live in Care work?
3) What does a Live in Carer do?
5) Why is Live in Care our most popular service?
6) Who manages our Live in Care program?
7) What does Live in Care cost?
8) Where is Live in Care available?
10) Live in Care vs 24 Hour Care
11) What our clients say about our Live in Care service
Live in Care frequently asked questions
Are you ready to chat about 24 hour Live in Care?
Call Ann now on (02) 9970 7333
Live in Care is so popular because it’s:
- your life;
- Lived your way;
- At your pace;
- On your terms; and
- In your own home, where you remain the boss.
Staying at home has other tremendous benefits for you (or your loved one) such as:
- Elders can continue to live with their spouse. Let’s stop and think about what really matters to elderly people. For many, their quality of life is based around their partner, family, pets and home. The longer we can keep seniors living in their own home, the happier they are.
- Elders remain close to family and friends;
- Seniors remain part of their local community where neighbours and friends can easily visit and it’s far more pleasant visiting a friend in their home than a nursing home; and
- Seniors have the freedom to choose how they will enjoy their days;
- Our Live in Carers have time to provide enabling care.
Daughterly Care has been providing Live in Care for 24 years. Having provided 3.9+ million hours of Live in Care, Daughterly Care is the market leader in this highly specialised gold star type of aged care. We have never failed a client and we won’t fail you or your Loved Ones!
Read on 2. How does Live in Care work?
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email or call us on (02) 9970 7333.