12. How do I start my Home Care Package with Daughterly Care?
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Congratulations you were approved and are now assigned your Government Funded Home Care Package and have selected Daughterly Care Community Services (DCCS) as the best Approved Provider for you. Your Government funding starts from the date you sign our Home Care Agreement, so don’t delay.
Step 1. Let’s meet to explore the benefit of choosing Daughterly Care Community Services
We’ll explain the financial aspects of Home Care Packages. We’ll also talk about;
If you decide to proceed with us:
We will go through all the government mandated paperwork:
Step 2. Checklist of paperwork
You will need to do the following:
Alternatively, you may have a copy of your Government Home Care Package letter that shows your Referral Number.
We use this number to look up your details on the My Aged Care’s secure website and to ACCEPT YOU as a new Home Care Package client. The letter commonly looks like this.

▢ Medicare Details – we will take a photo of your Medicare card to gain:
- Your Medicare number;
- The expiry date;
- The reference number (the number next to your name e.g. 3);
We use this to claim your Government Funding through Medicare. We like a copy/photo of your card, so there is no transposition errors in your Medicare number.
▢ Are you a Full Pensioner, Part Pensioner or Self-Funded?
Please email us a copy of your Fee Advice Letter for Home Care from the Department of Human Services (DHS) or Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) when it arrives, or we will take a photo at our meeting.
This letter advises us how much the Government requires you to contribute towards your Home Care Package.
The Fee Advice letter looks like this:

If you are a Pensioner or Part Pensioner then just ring the Department of Human Services (or DVA) and they will send this to you. They can also give you the Income Tested Care Fee Contribution over the phone.
Time Saving Tip: If you are 100% Self-funded, which is explained on this page you don’t actually have to complete the whole 19 page SA456 form, you can just complete your name and answer NO at question 14, because you are fully Self-funded you will pay the Maximum Income Tested Care Fee anyway.
ALERT: If you are close to the self-funded threshold or your income drops, it is worth completing the form.
▢ If you are a Pensioner and you can’t afford to pay the Basic Daily Care Fee of $10.54 per day then you can apply to the Government for a Hardship Supplement, in which case the Government may pay all or part of the Basic Daily Care Fee for you.
Click here for more information regarding the Hardship Supplement.
Click here for the Hardship Supplement Form (sa462)
Alternatively, you may prefer to elect not to pay the Basic Daily Care Fee.
▢ Do you receive a Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) pension?
Do you hold a DVA Gold, White or Orange card?
Please email us a photo of your DVA card or we will take a photo at our meeting.
The Definitive Guide to Government Funded Consumer Directed In Home Aged Care Packages
1. What is a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in Home Care Package?
2. How many hours of support or care can I receive for my Home Care Package?
3. What can a Government Subsidised Home Care Package pay for?
4. What are the costs of a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package?
5. What does Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package mean?
6. Consumers’ 9 New Rights under Consumer Directed Care (CDC)
7. How do you apply for a Government Subsidised Home Care Package?
8. Are you approved or assigned a Government Funded Home Care Package?
9. Should Self-Funded Seniors accept a Level 2 Home Care Package?
10. Should Self-Funded Seniors accept a Level 3 or 4 Home Care Package?
11. Should a Pensioner accept a Level 1 or 2 Home Care Package?
12. How do I start my Home Care Package? Current Page
13. How do I transfer my Home Care Package to Daughterly Care Community Services?
14. How do I know if the Home Care Package fees I’m being charged are fair?
15. How will Consumer Directed Care (CDC) benefit my loved one?
16. Is Consumer Directed Care (CDC) working?
17. Will Consumer Directed Care (CDC) make it easier for my loved one to stay at home?
18. What happens to the Unspent Funds in my Government Funded / Subsidised Home Care Package?
19. If I hold a DVA Card can I have an In Home Care Package too?
20. Can I take leave from my Home Care Package?
21. Frequently asked questions about Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Packages
Discover the secret to getting more out of your Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package!
Do you have a question that isn’t answered here or just looking for more information? Browse our FAQs.
12. How do I transfer my Home Care Package to Daughterly Care Community Services?
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The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or call us on (02) 9970 7333.