The Best In Home Aged Care Provider for Elders in Mosman
Over the last 21 years Daughterly Care has provided over 71,405 [1] services of In Home Aged Care in Mosman, which enables and supports Elders to remain in their own home for all their life. That’s right, over 71,405 services just in the one suburb of Mosman alone. This, along with the fact that 73% of all new clients are recommended to Daughterly Care by family, friends and health professionals is proof that Daughterly Care is the best In Home Aged Care Provider for discerning older residents of Mosman on Sydney’s Lower North Shore.
With over 71,405 elder care services provided, why haven’t you seen our Daughterly Care Caregivers in Mosman?
Our invisibility is just one of the 14+ reasons Elders and their families choose Daughterly Care.
Daughterly Care Caregivers don’t accompany you on outings wearing branded uniforms like other Approved Providers do, nor do we drive branded cars advertising our business. Sure, we would love to be seen everywhere we go assisting our clients but that’s not what our clients want. We understand our high profile clients don’t want to be seen with uniformed care workers whose branded shirt or car advertises to the world their vulnerability [disability, frailty, dementia or the like]. No, they prefer to move through life supported and enabled by our well-dressed, mature, experienced and professional Caregivers who are warm and interesting company and easy to communicate with and relate to.
Our Caregivers are seen as a helpful engaging friend, rather than a walking or driving billboard.

Mosman residents talk about Daughterly Care
Whilst you don’t see our Caregivers with our clients – you can tell we have gained a reputation for providing superior In Home Aged Care. That’s why 73% [2] of all our new clients are recommended by our existing clients, their families and health professionals… all people who have seen our mature Caregivers in action.
Part of the Mosman Community
Daughterly Care is a Gold member of the Mosman Chamber of Commerce and was a member of the Balmoral Business Network International for a number of years. Daughterly Care is well known to Mosman Council and of course, highly recommended by Mosman residents.
Here’s what Mosman residents say about Daughterly Care:
28 February 2018 – Feedback from a new client from Mosman on Sydney’s Lower North Shore
Mrs J called to say what a wonderful job Robin Bower, our Mosman Advice Centre Manager, did helping her to learn all about Daughterly Care. Mrs Jackson has never had to ask anyone for help before and she felt a bit overwhelmed, but Robin was a wonderful help and she couldn’t be happier to be using our services. Mrs J asked me to pass this feedback on as she can’t remember the last time she was treated so well.
Jen Q
Dear Ms Lambert,
I appreciate the information provided in your email. I am often in touch with Ms Robin Bower of your Mosman Office and she has been such a support with assistance and information. We are on the National Queue for a high level package.
As soon as we have the package, I will be in touch with Robin to arrange for services from Daughterly Care. Presently any help needed is always sought from Daughterly Care. I have been on a learning curve to gain information and undertake the steps necessary for the care of my husband (who has increasing loss of functions through dementia). Robin has been holding my hand throughout this process and I am sincerely grateful. Many of my neighbours exchange information and I have certainly told them of how fortunate I have been to initially attend one of Robin’s Sessions held in the Mosman Office – and then to have her personal assistance as I went through the process of having my husband assessed and applying for Government Funding for his care etc.
It is a comfort to have the support of Daughterly Care available.
Kind regards,
Name withheld
Mosman Resident
10 November 2015 – Words of appreciation passed on via Robin from our Aged Care Advice Centre at Mosman on Sydney’s Lower North Shore
“The lovely Mr W called into our Mosman shop today and said he just wanted to tell us how wonderful our Caregivers are. He said Jennifer is just marvellous and has made his life a dream. And Laurianne is terrific as well.
Mr W said he was a very lucky man to have such wonderful people helping him to live his life. He was very grateful and thanked us very much for having such wonderful staff.”
Mosman Aged Care Advice Centre
The Productivity Commission’s review of the Government Subsidised In Home Care Industry and the resultant introduction of The Living Longer, Living Better Reforms such as Consumer Directed Care has turned the power structure of the In Home Aged Care Industry upside down. The Government stripped power away from the Current Approved Providers of Government Funded Home Care Packages and handed massive power directly to Elders, their families, their Enduring Guardians and Enduring Power of Attorneys on the 27th February, 2017.
However, that power transfer only effectively happens if …
…you know what your 9 New Rights are and…
… you understand how the financials work and what you have the legal right to ask for.
With this knowledge you become empowered to negotiate better outcomes such as:
- your Government Funded Home Care Package paying for double or triple the hours of care you are first offered or have been receiving;
- choose better quality Caregivers – the type that Daughterly Care judiciously choose; and
- Being able to choose the right type of care that best suits your health needs, produces better health outcomes quality of care and enables you to stay at home for life.
To guide Mosman Elders and their families and advisers through these huge changes Daughterly Care opened our Aged Care Advice Centre at Shop 3, 836 Military Rd Mosman, next to The Little French Patisserie café and opposite Westpac Bank and Belmont Rd on Valentine’s Day 2012.

Business hours: 9.30am to 4.30pm,
Monday to Friday
Shop 3, 836 Military Road,
Mosman NSW 2088
Phone: 9969 5954
We present FREE Information Seminars to educate and empower Mosman Elders and their families
How to Avoid the Nursing Home with help from Government Funded In Home Care Packages worth up to $55,315.75 pa pp.
Keeping Elders and their families up-to-date with these complex changes, Daughterly Care’s CEO Kate Lambert B.EC F.Fin and our Mosman Aged Care Advice Centre Manager, Robin Bower present information seminars to inform and empower Elders of the aged care changes and how they can best take advantage of them.
Most Mosman Elders don’t know that they can now access Government Subsidised In Home Care regardless of their income and assets.
CLICK HERE to find out more or book your seat.
Our Aged Care Advice Centre Manager, Robin Bower is an expert in advising Elders and their adult children on the process of securing a Government Funded Home Care Package.
If you are unhappy with your Current Approved Provider, bring a copy of your Home Care Package statement and Care Plan (if you have it) for Robin to review. Robin will share with you what she sees. Robin can advise how many hours of care Daughterly Care Community Services could provide for the same Government Funding. Robin will also forward a copy to our CEO, Kate Lambert B.Ec.F.Fin for her to review and confirm Robin’s findings before Robin reports back to you.
Robin, Lucille plus all our team at our head office in Narrabeen are here to help. With Daughterly Care, you’re not alone.

Robin Bower
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email or call us on (02) 9970 7333.
[1] Source Daughterly Care’s Rostering Database
[2] 2015 survey of all clients