Emergency Live In Care from Daughterly Care – In Home Care Specialists
Emergency Live in Care is the ideal solution when a health crisis hits, which can threaten to disrupt you and your partner’s life. If you live alone and you become unwell or have a fall, you can stay in control of your life and your re-enablement.
When the main carer becomes ill or is hospitalised rather than place their dependent spouse in a Nursing Home, where the falls rate is 30% higher than being at home. They also typically decline in health and experience high anxiety, it’s good to know in advance that you have the option of emergency Respite Live in Care.
Our professional and experienced Live-in carer, under the direction of our High Care Case Manager and/ or with the assistance of our private Registered Nurse can step in at short notice to:
- enable your partner to remain at home;
- visit you in hospital and advocate for you;
- re-enable you when you return home from hospital.

Daughterly Care has provided over 3.9+ million hours of Live in Care over the last 24 years, which means we are the experts in Live in Care
Our emergency Live in Care minimises disruption to your life and optimises your chances of regaining your former health.
Many Elders don’t require any In Home Aged Care services until a health crisis hits. University studies show that over 90% of Elders prefer in home care to hospitalisation and that’s one reason why Live in Care is our most highly sought after in home care service. Elders fear losing their independence even more than they fear losing their health. So…
- What do you do if your Elderly parent takes a sudden turn and needs around-the-clock care now?
- Who do you turn to when an aged friend or relation falls and breaks a hip?
- What do you do if the main carer is hospitalised?
(If your health is in such a way, that it can’t improve we can provide one-on-one palliative and End of Life care. Pain free and totally tailored to you within your home.)
Please note: Whilst over the last 24 years we have started many Live in Care services on the day requested, the demand for our Live in Care services is high.
So if you need an immediate start, we may need to put Pay-By-The-Hour Caregivers in place to start the care while we get a Live in Care team organised. It depends on the demand for our In Home Care services, at the time of the emergency.
Our Emergency Live in Care Team can arrange home nursing care fast – it’s easy.
You can contact Daughterly Care today by calling 02 9970 7333
Emergency Live in Care Helps Betty from Beauty Point, Mosman
We received a call from lovely 81-year-old Betty of Mosman. She said, she was on her own on the floor, having dizzy spells and needed help urgently.
Her only child lived overseas and a Mosman neighbour had recommended Daughterly Care’s 24-hour Live in care service to him for his Mum. Betty was hoping to start Live in Care immediately.Would that be possible? Could we come soon?
As our High Care Case Manager was speaking with her, she realised Betty didn’t sound at all well. She suggested calling an ambulance but Betty wouldn’t hear of it.
Betty had only recently been in hospital to have a pacemaker fitted. The specialist sent her home after three days, saying there was nothing more he could do. Her initial surprise turned to disappointment, then anger. There was no way she’d be going back to any hospital. She had decided on in home care, preferably Live in care.
We immediately contacted our Mosman Aged Care Advice Centre and spoke to the private Registered Nurse in charge, Verlie. Her response was immediate. She closed the shop and was with Betty in 15 minutes. For an experienced Nurse like Verlie, an “emergency” really isn’t a problem, not when you have every confidence in the solution you can provide.
Verlie assessed the situation and quickly brought it under control. Within 3 hours, Daughterly Care’s Emergency Live in Care service was locked-in and good to go, with one of our most experienced Live in Carers at Betty’s home and ready for duty.
Every hour of every day, for two years after that we cared for Betty in her Beauty Point home and we were with her right to the end.
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
Contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your free no obligation consultation by emailing: claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or ring us on (02) 9970 7333.

Explore our unique Live in Home Care service…
1) The benefits of Live in Home Care
2) How does Live in Care work?
3) Why is Live in Care our most popular service?
4) What does a Live in Caregiver do?
5) What our clients say about our Live in Care program
6) Who manages our Live in Care program?
7) Where is Live in Care available?
8) Live in Care frequently asked questions
9) Live in Care vs 24 Hour Care
Are you ready to chat about Live in Care?
Call Ann now on (02) 9970 7333