Dementia care at home specialists
Sydney’s first and leading dementia care specialist of private in home care services.
Elder dementia care requires specialised knowledge and experience. After being dementia care specialists for over 24 years we are well versed in choosing the right Hourly Carers and Live in Carers who will result in your elderly loved one receiving the very highest quality of in home care. We come highly recommended by health professionals and private care clients alike.
As one of the Not For Profit Government Approved Providers who contracts work to us says:
“Daughterly Care is our go-to-organisation when it comes to clients living with a dementia or behaviours that challenge… Daughterly Care is our specialist provider”
We are passionate about supporting people living with dementia.
As the condition advances, it is difficult to witness their ‘losses’ – it’s nothing short of heartbreaking.
At Daughterly Care, we understand the emotions and the relentlessness involved in caring for a loved one diagnosed with a form of dementia, which is why we offer specialist in home care services and private nursing care.
When we started Daughterly Care over 24 years ago, we were passionate about giving the Elders in our community the very best aged care they deserved. With an added passion for dementia care, it was natural that this should be our company’s focus.
You can read about the passion that started and continues to guide Daughterly Care by clicking here.

So, if you are looking for an in home care service provider whose Live in Carers and pay-by-the-hour Caregivers are dementia care at home specialists and who:
- have enormous experience supporting people living with dementia;
- really enjoy enabling and assisting people living with dementia;
- really understand dementia, therefore support your loved one by connecting with them through respect, compassion, creativity, intelligent support and nursing care,
… then Daughterly Care can assist you.
Because each person’s brain is unique and there are over 150 different conditions that cause dementia, each of our clients’ experience the condition differently.
That’s why it takes:
- time to understand the elderly person so we can provide support and inhome care that is “person centered” and therefore meaningful and purposeful to that Elder
- respect
- patience
- understanding
- emotional intelligence, and
- creativity
to support and care well for a person living with dementia.
We are all living in a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) world now. That means people needing in home care have 9 new rights in relation to a Government subsidised Home Care Package, including the right to choose who supplies their care.
Learn how to take advantage of the change of rules.
Consumer Directed Care means consumers have the right to ask for dementia specialist Caregivers and private Nurses such as those provided by Daughterly Care. We know first-hand that people living with dementia can and do lead content, engaging and even joyful lives when they are living in the supported, engaging and caring, and familiar environment of their own home.
Dealing with the emotional aspect of your elderly loved one having the condition is hard enough, but when you add in changing care needs, the logistics of providing supervision and daily care, life for the dedicated family or primary carer does get overwhelming. The good news is that you can request Daughterly Care.
As dementia care specialists we can give you peace of mind so you can take the respite care break that good health demands.
Regular respite care breaks can help you to:
- meet up with friends. To have engaging conversations about life outside the world of dementia. Let us care for your elderly loved one while you go to the University of the Third Age, Book Club, Bridge, movies, or choir etc
- get regular physical exercise. Exercise reduces stress in the body and strengthens your core muscles which improves your balance and health. Plus, what’s good for your heart health is good for your brain health. We can care for your elderly loved one while you catch up with friends at your tennis, golf, bowls or bush walking club
- attend to your own medical and health needs
- do activities you enjoy to recharge your soul and keep life positive and meaningful for you
Evidence shows that if you don’t take regular respite care breaks it takes an unacceptable toll on your physical and mental health so respite is not an ‘optional-nice-to-have’, it’s a medical and good health essential.
The Government may pay for the cost of emergency or short term in home respite care, if you are stressed out and at breaking point. The Government also funds ongoing Consumer Directed Care Government subsidised respite via Home Care Packages, ask us how.
Rest assured that our home care services can be scaled to suit your needs from 2 hours to our unique Live in Care service to ensure easy budgeting.
Appreciative letter from the Daughter of a client living in a nursing home in Mosman
“Dearest Kim,
I’m writing this quickly when I really should be writing it slowly. There is no way to thank you for what you have done and are doing. You have come into my Mother’s life in her final years, months & days, and forged such a genuine and meaningful, deep and responsive relationship with her.
I see how Mum’s eyes light-up and smiles come when she looks in your direction. You keep finding ways to get under all the changing symptoms [of dementia] and do meaningful things with the real Pamela under it all. I know you see and get her personality too and that you both have fun in your connecting. It’s a really healing and a comforting thing for me to see and be a part of.
Feeling the whole ‘sisterhood’ thing with you too and many thanks for letting that be. Much love and so many blessings and gratitude to you, Kim.
Deb xoxoxo”
Case Manager from Approved Provider:
“I have found responses to service requests very prompt and where possible very accommodating.Very reliable. Staff have been very professional in how they go about their tasks whilst on respite (based on feedback from clients). Daughterly Care’s specialisation in dementia care is especially excellent.”
Read unsolicited feedback about our Caregivers and Nurses from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email or call us on (02) 9970 7333.
Discover how we care for people living with dementia:
We are dementia care specialists
Music and memory for people living with dementia
Dementia Care Music and Memory