What is the difference between Live in Care and 24 Hour Care?
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The terms Live in Care and 24 Hour Care are often used as if they are the same or interchangeable In Home Aged Care services. They are NOT the same aged care solution and they are NOT interchangeable terms. They are very different In Home Care services.
To be an informed consumer of In Home Aged Care services, it’s vital you understand the difference so that you can choose the In Home Care solution that is most appropriate or best for your care and support needs; bear in mind that the most appropriate solution might change over time as your care needs change.
Recently (2018) one company claimed “over a decade ago we pioneered 24 Hour At Home Care”. Pioneered 24 Hour Care a mere decade ago?! You can tell their claim to have pioneered 24 hour care is blatantly false given Daughterly Care and other private in home care providers have provided both 24 hour care and Live in Care for over two decades. That’s right Daughterly Care has over 24 years’ experience – double the experience the “pioneer” claims.
With double the experience providing 24 Hour Care and 24 Hour Live In Care, Daughterly Care knows better than any other In Home Care Approved Provider how both 24 Hour Care and Live In Care services work; their cost difference and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

Daughterly Care has provided over 3.9+ million hours of Live in Care over the last 24 years, which means we are the experts in Live in Care
How are Live in Care and 24 Hour In Home Aged Care similar?
Both Live in Care and 24 Hour In Home Care Aged Care services are:
✓ provided in the privacy, security and comfort of your own familiar loved home;
✓ provided around the clock, so that help is there when you need it during a 24 hour period;
✓ provide similar support and care tasks; and
✓ extra care can be added if / when needed for both Live in Care and 24 Hour Care.
We don’t claim that 24 Hour Care is better than 24 Hour Live In Care; nor do we claim that Live In Care is better than 24 Hour Care, because the fact is they are both the very best In Home Aged Care you can enjoy in your home. After meeting you and talking to you and or your family about:
✓ the support you need to live your best life; and
✓ after listening to your care and support needs, goals and lifestyle aspirations
we recommend which type of In Home Care is most appropriate for you and your lifestyle.
Issue | Live in Care | 24 Hour, around the clock In Home Aged Care |
24 Hour, Around The Clock Care | Live in Care means a Live in Carer or Nurse is present in your home 24 hours a day, to provide 8 hours of active care, as needed, over one 24 hour period. | With 24 Hour Care, 3 Caregivers or Nurses are present in consecutive shifts in your home over a 24 hour period.
Typically this means 2 shifts during the day and a third shift at night. Night care can be provided on an inactive basis where the Caregiver or Nurse sleeps from 10pm to 6am and wakes when their assistance is needed. Alternatively the Night Care is provided on an active basis where the Caregiver or nurse is paid to be awake and attentive all night. |
Staffing pattern or rota | A Live in Carer is present in the client’s home for 24 hours x 4 consecutive days.
A 2nd Live in Carer is present in the client’s home for 24 hours X 3 consecutive days. The 3 – 4 day split is our most common staff rota we offer. However sometimes we offer a 5 day / 2 day rota. Sometimes we offer a rota of 3 days / 2 days / 2 days i.e. 3 Live in Carers per week, not 2. This is more common when there is support and care needs that are best managed with shorter shifts. Once you are comfortable with your Live in Carers, those same Live in Carers rotate each week for weeks, months or years. |
With 24 Hour Care in your own home, to meet award requirements, each day 3 staff are rostered and typically they work up to 4 shifts per week.
To cover 7 days X 3 shifts = 21 shifts are required and to staff this without the need to pay overtime rates, which doubles the cost, you need a minimum of 6 Caregivers or Nurses a week. |
Bedroom for caregiver required | Yes | Yes, if overnight shifts are being charged on the lower cost basis called inactive overnight care.
No, if the Caregiver is awake and attentive all night. |
Food for Live in Carer to be supplied | Yes. The Live in Carer normally eats the same food they cook with or for the client. Expensive or special foods required by the Live in Carer are paid for by the Live in Carer. Alternatively, $50 per day can be added to the invoice for the Live in Carer to buy their own food. | No |
Cost | Live in Care costs less than half the cost of 24 Hour Care.
The exact cost for both Live in Care and 24 Hour Care, with inactive nights, or active nights is explained on this page of our website along with information on Government funding to reduce the cost. |
24 Hour Care in your own home is more than double the price of Live in Care.
The exact cost for both Live in Care and 24 Hour Care with inactive nights or active nights is detailed on this page of our website. |
Daughterly Care has provided both Live in Care and 24 Hour Care for 24 years. We are experts at advising what type of care will be best for your Loved One.
During our FREE Consultation we will listen to your care needs and goals, and recommend the right level of care. For many of our clients this will be Live in Care, for others it will be 24 Hour In Home Care. We will explain the difference between the two services and recommend the one that is best suited to your care needs.
Service guarantee
We take a lot of care matching our clients with the right Caregivers, Live in Carers or Private Nurses, but if you are not delighted with the care worker we choose we will provide a replacement and refund the cost of that shift in full.
To arrange your FREE in home consultation regarding Live in Care or 24 Hour Care, call Ann on (02) 9970 7333
Read on ‘What our clients say about our Live in Care service’
Explore our unique Live in Home Care service…
1) The benefits of Live in Home Care
2) How does Live in Care work?
3) What does a Live in Caregiver do?
5) Why is Live in Care our most popular service?
6) Who manages our Live in Care program?
7) What does Live in Care cost?
8) Where is Live in Care available?
10) Live in Care vs 24 Hour Care Current page
11) What our clients say about our Live in Care service
Live in Care frequently asked questions
Are you ready to chat about Live in Care?
Call Ann now on (02) 9970 7333

Read unsolicited feedback from our in home care clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or call us on (02) 9970 7333.