Overnight In Home Care
Overnight In Home Care is a valuable home nursing service that supports Elders living in their own home when they need support and enabling care during the night. It also provides much needed rest and peace of mind for the primary carer. Getting up through the night regularly is very wearying especially when you are also providing care throughout the day or working outside the home. You can rest easy knowing our Hourly Caregiver or Live in Carer is ‘on hand’ to manage the needs of your loved one through the night.
“I am delighted by the standard of care your staff are providing. It is a great comfort to Mrs E”
– Peter, Enduring Guardian, for Mosman client, on Sydney’s Lower North Shore
Daughterly Care provides both ‘Active Overnight Care’ and ‘In-Active Overnight Care.’
What is Active Overnight Care?
Active overnight In Home Care is when our Caregiver is awake for active duties all night to assist our client and ensure their safety. This type of service is charged at an hourly rate and is ideal for private care clients who have intensive care needs and need assistance during the night (e.g. Palliative care or high needs, complex care clients). It’s also used for clients with mental health needs and in danger of hurting themselves through the night, or are confused between day and night. In addition, if medications are required through the night our Hourly Caregiver or Live in Carer is there to prompt and assist your loved one.
What is In-Active Overnight Care?
In-Active Overnight In Home Care when the Caregiver sleeps from 10pm – 6am but is ‘on-hand’ to assist our In Home Care client once a night. A second up will be charged at the hourly rate, with a minimum charge of one hour per up. Three or more ups from the third up to 6am the standard hourly care rate applies

In-active Overnight Care with one up between 10pm and 6am is charged at a flat rate, rather than per hour, and is ideal for clients who need:
- limited assistance during the night such as assistance to safely go to the toilet – this is especially common when the Elder has had a fall during the night and needs assistance to ensure they don’t fall again;
- needs medication during the night, such as pain relief;
- needs reassurance;
- needs to be re-directed back to bed because they are confused between day and night; and
- is used to provide assistance during the night to prevent falls at night
Services offered during Overnight In Home Care services
Falls Prevention:
It is not uncommon for Elders to have a fall during the night on their way to the toilet leaving them bruised, injured and afraid they will fall again. An Overnight Caregiver can be on-hand to assist you to safely go to the toilet during the night. Best of all, our presence can help re-build your confidence so that you no longer need us. When you’ve had a fall at night it’s time to be proactive, better still would be to be proactive to prevent a fall in the first instance. Our Registered Nurse or High Care Case Manager can visit your home and listen to why and how you fell and recommend low cost, easy to implement practical solutions to prevent, or greatly reduce, the chance of you falling again during the night. One hour of proactive advice from our 24 hour Private Nurse can reduce or eliminate the need for On-going Overnight Elder Care, saving you money and more importantly improving your independence.
Meal Preparation:
Prepare an evening meal for the client and primary carer, who may be a busy professional. This is a wonderful way in which Daughterly Care is able to increase quality time for you and your loved one. By staying overnight we ensure your loved one is safe, enjoys a healthy and nutritious meal and the primary carer enjoys a good night’s sleep.
Assistance to dress for bed and shower and dress in the morning:
An Hourly Caregiver or Live in Carer can assist you to the toilet, shave, shower, clean your teeth, do your hair or apply make-up, and dress for bed and for the day, the following morning. Overnight Care provides care at the two ends of the day and ‘sets you up for the day’, giving you privacy in your own home for the day.
Re-assurance from confusion or anxiety:
Overnight Caregivers are able to offer security and peace of mind to you and your loved one by being ‘on hand ‘ to settle, re-settle, offer re-assurance and calm your loved one during the night. Some conditions such as Parkinson’s disease are often associated with anxiety so that if they wake to go to the toilet they are unable to go back to sleep. We can help re-settle and re-assure the Elder encouraging them back to sleep with meditation CDs or a cup of warm milk so that they get more sleep and feel well and alert the following day.
Peace of mind during your holiday:
When the family is going away on holidays you can relax knowing that your loved one is safe during the night with us present.
Primary carer hospitalised – call us to avoid being placed into a nursing home – don’t let “the system” take over your life
If the spouse or primary carer is hospitalised, it is very common for their spouse with dementia to be taken to hospital too and then if the hospital cannot get into contact with you, their child or Enduring Guardian the person with dementia is placed into a nursing home for up to 63 days on a respite basis, this is a terrifying experience that often sets the person back and results in loss of function and increased agitation and fear.

A far better solution is to put in your Advance Care Plan that the hospital is to ring Daughterly Care’s “Take me home team”. With just one phone call, we can come up to the hospital and take your spouse home, provide a meal, reassurance and overnight care for your loved one.
During this time the family can be content knowing that their loved one is secure in their own home. The following morning after assisting the client to toilet, shower and dress, have a nutritious breakfast, take their medication we can drive them back to the hospital to see you.
Depending on how much care is needed we can provide care on an Overnight basis or a Live In Care basis. You might like our care to continue for a week or two after to assist your rehabilitation after your return home from the hospital.
With Overnight In Home Care services you will have peace of mind that your loved one is safe and secure, receiving the care they deserve while you get the rest you need.
For other Overnight In Home Care services see our Live in Care and 24 Hour Care.
If you would like to speak to us about any type of In Home Care, don’t wait, call us on (02) 9970 7333.
Read unsolicited feedback from our clients. We’re always thrilled to receive such kind words.
The next step is easy … contact us for a confidential chat about your needs or to organise your, free no obligation consultation email claireg@daughterlycare.com.au or call us on (02) 9970 7333.