Government subsidised Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in Home Care Packages
From the 27th February 2017, the Government has turned the in home aged care industry upside down to give you more control over your life by giving you total control of your in home Government funded Home Care Package.
Daughterly Care’s CEO, Kate Lambert explains Consumer Directed Care (CDC) on Channel 9’s Morning Show.
The Definitive Guide to Government Funded Consumer Directed In Home Aged Care Packages
1. What is a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) in Home Care Package? Current Page
2. How many hours of support or care can I receive for my Home Care Package?
3. What can a Government Subsidised Home Care Package pay for?
4. What are the costs of a Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package?
5. What does Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package mean?
6. Consumers’ 9 New Rights under Consumer Directed Care (CDC)
7. How do you apply for a Government Subsidised Home Care Package?
8. Are you approved or assigned a Government Funded Home Care Package?
9. Should Self-Funded Seniors accept a Level 2 Home Care Package?
10. Should a Pensioner accept a Level 1 or 2 Home Care Package?
11. How do I start my Home Care Package?
12. How do I transfer my Home Care Package to Daughterly Care Community Services?
13. How do I know if the Home Care Package fees I’m being charged are fair?
14. How will Consumer Directed Care (CDC) benefit my loved one?
15. Is Consumer Directed Care (CDC) working?
16. Will Consumer Directed Care (CDC) make it easier for my loved one to stay at home?
17. What happens to the Unspent Funds in my Government Funded / Subsidised Home Care Package?
18. If I hold a DVA Card can I have an In Home Care Package too?
19. Can I take leave from my Home Care Package?
20. Frequently asked questions about Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Packages
Discover the secret to getting more out of your Consumer Directed Care (CDC) Home Care Package!
Do you have a question that isn’t answered here or just looking for more information? Browse our FAQs.
Is your Government subsidised Consumer Directed Care Home Care Package giving you:
✓ appropriate care from quality Caregivers?
✓ good service?
✓ a fair number of hours of in-home support and care; and importantly;
✓ are you being charged a fair price by your Current Approved Provider?
Many Older Australians, (Seniors and Elders) are NOT feeling they are receiving quality in home care. So they will benefit from taking the time to read through the following pages that I wrote to educate and empower Daughterly Care clients. I have seen first hand and many times over that informed and empowered consumers negotiate better outcomes.

Imagine benefiting from up to
$66,448.25 per person,
per annum to help you stay at home.
Government subsidised Home Care Packages
provide valuable funds to help reduce
your in home care costs.
Praise from the daughter of an Elder in Hunters Hill on Sydney’s North Shore
“Dear Kate, I don’t know anyone who can match up with you in this industry. Your in-depth analysis of Mum’s Home Care Package statement is very matter of fact and your recommendation of the solution is very practical to my Mum’s situation.”
The history of why the inhome aged care reforms occured…
1. Older Australians (Seniors and Elders) are living longer (international trend);
2. a greater proportion of the Australian population are reaching an older age due to all those baby boomers born after World War II ended;
3. baby boomers are better educated, have higher expectations; negotiating better care for their elderly parents; and
4. The international & universal trend for seniors and elders preferring to remain in their own home (and indeed their preference to pass away at home) rather than move into a nursing home caused…
… The 2010 Federal Government to appoint The Australian Productivity Commission (APC) to review Australia’s Age Care Industry to identify how Australia could deliver the aged care we need, more efficiently than it had been to date, whilst at the same time delivering better value and a higher level of home nursing services. (more details can be found at: APC Caring for older Australians: Overview, Summary of proposals and report.)
Hi Robin,
Thanks so much for your time today and of course, for your efforts that have resulted in Mum being offered a level 3 Home Care Package. I’m still gobsmacked that this has happened!
Your inhome carer, Kathy R was instrumental in introducing this concept to us and we are grateful for that. Had it not been for her perseverance we could have easily dismissed it as something that Mum would never have qualified for! I would be happy if you would acknowledge her effort in some way!
It is reassuring that we are able to continue using Daughterly Care as we are so happy with the service & friendship your ladies provide, Mum enjoys them all!
We consider ourselves fortunate to have Daughterly Care looking after Mum, your CEO Kate Lambert has been tireless in championing the cause and informing us as to what is available.
Thanks from all the family
Kind regards,
Signed by Son D [name withheld]
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