What is Respite Care and why do I need it?
Respite Care is a period of rest and/or relief from the care responsibilities of elderly care. The aim of respite care is to nurture and rejuvenate yourself because it is not possible to only ‘give’ all the time. Petria King says you care best when you are giving from your ‘overflow’, not when you have ‘nothing left to give’. Your break may be a few hours, a few days, a few weeks or a few months at a time, depending on what you need to rejuvenate yourself. It is recommended that carers take regular respite breaks to stay strong and fresh.
For most people, caring for an elderly person requires a great deal of physical, mental and emotional energy and there is no getting around the fact that it is emotionally taxing because it’s your loved one, your family. Respite Care is very important as it gives family carers the opportunity to nurture themselves, which is something a carer often overlooks. Respite services can be varied in length and type, depending on what suits you and your Loved One’s personal needs. At Daughterly Care we believe every service we provide should be viewed as a respite break for the carer.

When you take regular respite breaks, your role as a carer becomes even more rewarding. For most people, caring for an Elder involves a great deal of physical, mental and emotional energy.
Respite Care is very important as it gives family carers the opportunity to nurture themselves, which is something a carer often overlooks. Respite services can be varied in length and type, depending on what suits you and your Loved One’s personal needs.
Here are a few examples of the ways in which our clients use our Respite Care services:

The more rested and fulfilled you feel, the easier it is to continue providing the necessary care to your Loved One. It’s more than having a break, it’s about doing things you need to do, in order to take care of yourself. This will allow you (the carer) to create really joyful moments that you can look forward to and reflect back on.
Respite Care is a part of our Joyful Living Approach ™, which we strongly believe provides a positive impact. It’s really important for your soul, it increases your resilience, your mental well-being and your ability to carry on caring for your Loved One.
Surprisingly, it is also highly possible that your Loved One will appreciate a break from their normal routine. Your Loved One can enjoy different conversations, personalities and activities.
“I hadn’t played tennis or had lunch with my friends for 6 years”.
Suzie* of Mosman, On Sydney’s Lower North Shore, returned home from her first respite break in 6 years, rang our Registered Nurse and said “when I got home I asked Bob* how his time with you had been and he said you were lovely and wanted to know when you would be back. I took that as a very good sign that he enjoyed his time with you. That was the first time in 6 years that I played tennis and had lunch with my friends. I even had a glass of wine. I’ve really missed my friends.”
Bob has Parkinson’s.
Symptoms that indicate you need a respite break include:
A carer who is burnt-out makes quality care giving very difficult, if not impossible.
It can lead to resentment on the part of the carer, neglect of other family members and depression.
What makes me a ‘Carer’, this is family – isn’t it?
Not everyone considers the care they provide to their Loved One as ‘care giving.’ However, you are indeed a family carer if you provide elderly care for a family member who is ill or disabled. This care includes assisting with personal care, emotional support and companionship, finances, and maintaining the household.
How can Daughterly Care help me?
Daughterly Care has over 200 professionally trained Caregivers, from whom to choose the person that is “just right” for you.
Respite Care can take different forms. In Home Respite Care services usually involves a trained professional Caregiver, who comes into the home to provide necessary care.
Assistance can range from, just a few hours here and there, to a regular 2 hour service or say, 3 times a week, Overnight care or 24 hour Live In Care for those wishing to take a longer break. Daughterly Care’s 200 Caregivers are supported by a team of Registered Nurses who are available around the clock and, for advice and support.
We provide a care routine based around the information you provide and the needs of your Loved One so our Caregiver can provide the best quality care possible.
We are more than happy to discuss your individual Respite Care needs by phone, email or a free home visit from one of our Registered Nurses. Don’t hesitate, ring us today and get that break you need for good health, and you deserve. Ring us today on 9970 7333
NOTE: *Not the client’s real name, however, they are our client and, the feedback and experience is true.