A new national system for prioritising access to home care has now been established. The new system will allow home care packages to be assigned to consumers according to:
- their relative needs
- how long they have been waiting for care.
The department has started releasing home care packages through the new system, with approximately 11,300 packages scheduled for release throughout March 2017. As at 21 March 2017 approximately 1,200 have been released with an additional 10,100 to be released over the coming week. From next month, packages will be released on a regular basis, likely to be weekly.
The number of packages being released takes into account home care places that were unoccupied on 27 February 2017, packages that have been exited or not taken up in previous weeks, and new packages. The number of packages that are released will ensure that the overall home care market continues to grow.
Consumers will receive a letter when they have been assigned a package. This letter will include a unique referral code which can be used to access care.
For most consumers, the package will allow them to access care for the first time. Consumers can access care by contacting a provider directly and providing the unique referral code included in the letter they received from the department. Alternatively, the consumer may ask that My Aged Care send an electronic referral on their behalf.
For other consumers, the package that is assigned will be an upgrade on the level of care they are currently receiving. In these instances, their provider will receive an immediate notification through the provider portal on My Aged Care and will not need to accept a new referral.
It is expected that consumers will use the service finder on My Aged Care to research and contact providers. It is recommended that providers ensure the information on the service finder is up-to-date. View the fact sheet on how to update your organisation’s profile on the service finder.
Further information
The department will be hosting a webinar on 28 March 2017 which will provide more information regarding the national prioritisation system and allocation of packages.
View our provider fact sheets, quick reference guides and videos.
Ageing and Aged Care Group
Department of Health.
Hi, can you please tell me when the next release of packages will occur as we have many clients who are on the national queue and are desperate for some care to be provided to them. I would like to be able to give them at least some estimated time that they would have to wait for services.