The largest ever donation to an Australian University was made by Joy and Barry Lambert to fund research of medicinal cannabis.
$33.7 million was given to Sydney University to kick-start the Lambert Initiative for Cannabinoid Therapeutics. The donation will hopefully advance the research into medicinal cannabis, which currently is assisting Joy and Barry Lambert’s granddaughter’s condition of Dravet syndrome. Sydney University’s research could contribute to the government re-address Australia’s laws about the benefits of medicinal cannabis.

You probably didn’t realise Joy and Barry Lambert are my parents and the catalyst for the donation is my beautiful niece Katelyn, pictured on the left.
Katelyn has a genetic mutation which means she has one letter missing in her DNA. This means, when the electrical impulses sent from her brain, to tell her body what to do, arrive at the gap, the electrical pulse diverts into the watery cell and electrifies her brain (seizure).
Katelyn has a range of seizures, the most dangerous being the clonic tonic seizures which cause brain damage. Medicinal Cannabis ‘CBD Oil’ has dramatically reduced these seizures and therefore, reduced Katelyn’s potential brain damage and care costs.
Unfortunately, standard but very powerful medications have not prevented her seizures. This is the case for most children with Dravet, which is a type of epilepsy.
In this Sydney Morning Herald article link my brother, Michael (Katelyn’s Father) talks about Dravet syndrome and why he had no choice but to find another solution to standard medications.
All drugs come from plants and most people probably don’t know that the human body uses cannabinoids. Medicinal Cannabis has been UNDER RESEARCHED because of its illegal status and recreational drug use stigma.
The Lamberts are against recreational drug use and we are keen to see it properly researched for many possible solutions. To find out more about Barry Lambert’s decision and story, click on this Financial Review article link.

Aside from childhood epilepsy, I am personally interested in the medicinal cannabis research they have been doing into rats who were genetically given Alzheimer’s disease… and the findings of what happens to the rats’ brain once they are given compounds from the cannabis plant.
One can only hope and try for a positive outcome to Katelyn’s illness and, Mum and Dad’s (and my 13+ years) of hard work building Count Financial. I’m very proud of my parents’ generosity.
If you are on Facebook you can ‘Like’ Katelyn’s Page HERE and follow her journey.
Please leave a comment below if you know of anyone who has a similar illness as our beautiful Katelyn or you would like to offer some words of support.

Kate Lambert
B.Ec F.Fin
Daughterly Care CEO & Co-Founder
As a worker for Daughterly Care and having completed the epilepsy course I now can really see why this gift is so phenomenal. Life is precious and to have a life that may be made whole again is what we all desire. Never mind the doors that may be opened for cancers, dementia ailments, the list is long. Therefore a grandparents inspirational love may impact the worlds diseases for many generations to come.
Gotta love grandparents!!
Lovely words Wendy and we certainly echo your sentiments. Thank you for your comment.
It’s amazing how social stigma has suppressed potentially life changing drugs for so much time. Excellent initiative from this family for such a touching reason
Thanks for your support Lauren. We hope the research will be of help to many people.
as a previous sufferer of post stroke epilepsy the difference being I was 55 and I found it terrifying I can only wonder how traumatic it must be for a baby to experience an attack with no knowledge of what is going on and only a mothers love and the nurses that are angels in disguise looking after her what a generous unconditional gift given by the lamberts senior I can certainly see where kate gets her values , morals and generosity from john sherry perth
Awww John I just noticed your comment. Thank you for your kind words. Yes, as you know, it’s not easy having epilepsy, Kate