If you are currently in receipt of a Level 2 Government Subsidised Home Care Package, which is $14,837.25pa pp worth of funding, but you were approved for, and are waiting for your Level 4 Home Care Package, which is $49,592.55 pa pp worth of funding, please read this important update as you need to call My Aged Care TODAY on 1800 200 422 to check you are wait listed for a Level 3 AND a Level 4 Home Care Package.

Want to know how much longer you need to wait for your Level 4 Home Care Package?
Now that My Aged Care has been operating their National Queue for Home Care Packages for 12 months, they have the data to be able to tell you the approximate waiting time until you will receive the Government Funded Home Care Package level you were approved for. Knowing this can help with your financial planning if you are supplementing your Government Subsidised Level 2 Home Care Package with your private money.
It’s ridiculous you have to do this…but to be sure, you do
This week, our Registered Nurse and Managing Director, Verlie Hall, visited a client’s wife.
When at the client’s home Verlie rang My Aged Care to find out how much longer our client has to wait for his Level 4 Home Care Package as he was “approved” over 12 months ago, but like so many high care Elderly clients he has only been “assigned” a Level 2.
My Aged Care to Verlie: Another 12 months.
Verlie to My Aged Care: That’s strange our client has already been waiting 12 months.
My Aged Care to Verlie: “would your client like to be wait listed for a Level 3 Home Care Package?”
Verlie to My Aged Care: Absolutely!!! Isn’t that automatic? We thought that if you have been approved for a Level 4, but only assigned a level 2, that you would automatically be offered a Level 3, if a Level 3 Home Care Package becomes available, prior to your level 4 Home Care Package becoming available?
My Aged Care to Verlie: No, if you want to be wait listed for a Level 3, while you wait for the Level 4, you have to tell us.
What? How do Elderly people know they have to do this? All these unwritten, unspoken, illogical rules!
Verlie to My Aged Care: If my client says she would like her husband to be wait listed for a Level 3 Home Care Package and a Level 4 Home Care Package becomes available, will she miss out on the Level 4 Home Care Package?
My Aged Care to Verlie: No.
Verlie to My Aged Care: So is there any disadvantage in my Level 2 Home Care Package client being wait listed for both a Level 3 and Level 4 Home care Package?
My Aged Care to Verlie: No.
Verlie to My Aged Care: Then, YES PLEASE!!
My Aged Care to Verlie: It will take 48 hours to filter through our system and your client can call again in 3 days to find out how many days until her husband will be assigned a Level 3 Home Care Package.
Unbelievable, but unfortunately true.
Your Action 1: I strongly recommend you ring My Aged Care today and ask them how many days you need to wait to be upgraded from your Level 2 Home Care Package to a level 3 or Level 4 Home Care Package. Ask them “is my spouse / parent waited listed for a Level 3 AND a Level 4, or just a Level 4? Tell them you want to be wait listed for both levels of Home Care Package.
If your spouse / parent has declined since they were assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT), tell My Aged Care how they have declined (had a fall, has incontinence) as this may uplift you, has become more anxious with their dementia and now constantly shadows you to feel safe in the world, which has increased your stress levels.
Your Action 2: Ring My Aged Care back 3 days later and ask them how many days you need to wait for a Level 3 Home Care Package and how many days you need to wait for a Level 4 Home Care Package. Let us know the answer by emailing your co-ordinator or services@daughterlycarecommunityservices.com.au
If you receive a letter offering you a HIGHER Home Care Package than you are already on…accept the offer immediately
You do NOT pay any extra Basic Daily Care Fee when on a higher Home Care Package.
Self Funded Elders do not pay any extra Income Tested Care Fee when on a higher Home Care Package.
So you will receive more hours of care and support for the same cost to you, therefore accept the higher package immediately. Every day you delay in accepting is a day’s higher funding forfeited by you.
Any questions? Call your Daughterly Care Co-Ordinator or High Care Case Manager today on 02 9970 7333.
Links to very helpful Information:
Have you been approved (on the waiting list) or assigned (the funding is there and ready to start paying for services)? There is a lot of confusion by consumers as to whether they have Home Care Package or not – read this article to know for sure.
Can self-funded and part pensioners receive a Government Subsidised in Home Care Package? Yes they can – read this article to see the extra fees they pay
If I need extra support over and above my Government Subsidised in Home Care Package, what do I pay? This page has our private care fees.
Why would I choose Daughterly Care Community Services to administer my Home Care Package and provide my support services? 14 reasons to choose Daughterly Care and Meet 21 of our naturally warm and attentive Caregivers
Again how fabulous DCCS are in aiding the elderly to get the best care available and to show how “if you don’t ask, you don’t get” the system is. I feel for these vulnerable elderly who do not have some-one to speak for them.. well done you DCCS.!!!
Thanks Irena, Government Funded support for aged care has improved, for one it’s universal support now, secondly it is transparent now – at least now you can find out how many years, months, days you will have to wait and thirdly, the elderly person can decide WHO provides their care…but still you are right, you have to know the system and ask, ask, ask.
Home Care Funding access can be very confusing and involved. Best to always get advice from someone you can trust who knows how to go about it and what to do next – i.e. Daughterly Care
Hello Robin, you are absolutely right. We find consumers are told wrong information all the time and also not given their 9 new rights that Consumer Directed Care delivered. It really pays to shop around.
You and Lucille are great assets to the residents of Mosman and surrounding suburbs. Being able to pop in and sit with you and ask you questions and even ring My Aged Care together to get correct answers is invaluable and all at no cost to consumers.
Thank you for being so helpful.
I will suggest Cynthia calls tomorrow when I visit, or I’ll do it for her if she would prefer .
Thanks, Alison, Daughterly Care Caregivers are wonderful in the way they help our clients. Everyday elders ring wanting to transfer their Home Care Package to Daughterly Care precisely because of our people, like you who are proactive and out-of-the-ordinary helpful. Thank you, Alison.