My very intelligent and successful client couldn’t understand her husband’s Home Care Statements from his former Home Care Provider. So I spent 2 weekends auditing them and found many errors but I still couldn’t fully reconcile his Home Care Package. So I personally visited his former Home Care Approved Provider to find out face-to-face how their statements worked and what certain fees represented and how they were calculated.

“As a result of my audit and negotiations, this week our client received a refund of $29,888.34 in overcharged fees deducted from his Home Care Package by his Former Approved Provider.
This is the largest refund from an Old-School Approved Provider that I have negotiated to date.”

I needed the strength and the determination of The Hulk to get positive client outcomes because it’s common place to:
So long as I am right in my interpretation of the Home Care Program Guidelines, it’s always just a matter of time for justice to prevail (oh, and when the client has run out of patience, the threat of a complaint to the Aged Care Complaints Scheme works wonders.)
I haven’t been wrong yet.
Busy adult children and Elders don’t have time for “all the ignore, delay, deflect and blame games”. It just compounds their lack of trust from errors and poor service and confirms their decision to transfer their Home Care Package to a New-Breed of Approved Provider like Daughterly Care Community Services.
The actual statement of the refund totalling $29,888.34 issued by the former Approved Provider is at the end of this article so you have the evidence of this refund.
Here is a summary of errors so that you know what to look out for on your Monthly Home Care Statements.
- Yes, 10% GST had erroneously been deducted from our client’s Home Care Package. That was $5,348.09 of the refund. More info on GST incorrectly being deducted from Home Care Packages.
- A different client’s invoice had been erroneously deducted from my client’s Home Care Package. That was $1,469.16 of the refund.
- The same invoice had erroneously been deducted from my client’s Home Care Package 3 times. That was $3,841.54 of the refund.
- There was over $9,458.87 in other errors made by the Former Approved Provider had erroneously deducted from the client’s Home Care Package.
- There was $8,908.46 in unpaid Dementia Supplement that the Former Approved Provider failed to organise, yet had identified should be paid.
I didn’t charge our client one cent to audit and negotiate that $29,888.34 refund. However I did learn a lot about the multiple accounting problems that a large Approved Provider has.
This is exactly why I like to audit the Home Care Statements provided from 1 July 2015 from your Former Approved Provider if you are transferring to Daughterly Care. The results can be surprising and financially advantageous because most audits find overcharging errors disadvantaging the client.
The Former Approved Provider was charging a secret 5% fee which had not been disclosed in the client’s budget nor in the client’s Monthly Home Care Statement as per the Government Guidelines.
Vote ‘no’ here to stop Secret Undisclosed Fees being charged by Old-School Approved Providers.
I am available to audit Home Care Statements for existing clients considering transferring to Daughterly Care Community Services from Tuesday 18th July 2017 having recently finished auditing a backlog of clients who have now transferred to Daughterly Care.
If you don’t have copies of your Monthly Statements to hand – don’t waste your time searching for them – just ask your Existing Approved Provider to email them to you starting from 1 July 2015, then forward them to me. I’ll let you know what I find and you can make an informed decision on what is right for you after that.
More information on transferring your Home Care Package.
I never imagined that I would find errors overcharging a client $29,888.34. You never know what I will find on your statements!

Kate Lambert
B.Ec F.Fin
Daughterly Care CEO & Co-Founder
Thank you Kate for exposing these unethical practices and helping to protect our Elders.
Thank you Gina…some one has to stand up for Elders.
Great work Kate
This is absolutely Incredible that other companies can do this!!!
I think Kate is an amazing and valuable person to get in touch with if you are thinking of changing your provider. There is no-one like her that will assist and truly help you with the statements.
Thanks Claire, I have been learning a lot.
Thank you, Rose. You are very kind. It is true that a conversation with me is very valuable. I recommend people stay where they are if that is the best outcome. More often than not though the best solution is to transfer to Daughterly Care Community Services.